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Amazing Grace Chords – John Newton

Title: Amazing Grace
Artist: Il Divo
Written By: John Newton
Album: The Promise
Tempo: 104 BPM
Chords: G, C, D, Em
Strumming: D DU DU

Let’s play – Amazing Grace Guitar Chords Eary version

Am(G)azing Grace! How (C)sweet the (G)sound,
That (G)saved a wretch like (D)me!
I (G)once was lost, but (C)now am (G)found;
Was (Em)blind, but (D)now I (G)see.

‘T(G)was grace that taught my (C)heart to (G)fear,
And (G)grace my fears re(D)lieved;
How (G)precious did that (C)grace ap(G)pear
The (Em)hour I (D)first be(G)lieved!

(G)Through many dangers, (C)toils, and (G)snares,
I (G)have already (D)come;
‘Tis (G)grace hath brought me (C)safe thus (G)far,
And (Em)grace will (D)lead me (G)home.

The (G)Lord has promised (C)good to (G)me,
His (G)Word my hope (D)secures;
He (G)will my Shield and (C)Portion (G)be,
As (Em)long as (D)life (G)endures.

Yea, (G)when this flesh and (C)heart shall (G)fail,
And (G)mortal life shall (D)cease,
I (G)shall pos(G)sess, wi(C)thin the (G)veil,
A (Em)life of (D)joy and (G)peace.

The (G)earth shall soon di(C)ssolve like (G)snow,
The (G)sun forbear to (D)shine;
But (G)God, Who called me (C)here be(G)low,
Shall (Em)be fo(D)rever (G)mine.

When (G)we’ve been there ten (C)thousand (G)years,
Bright (G)shining as the (D)sun,
We’ve (G)no less days to (C)sing God’s (G)praise
Than (Em)when we’d (D)first be(G)gun.

A(G)mazing Grace! How (C)sweet the (G)sound,
That (G)saved a wretch like (D)me!
I (G)once was lost, but (C)now am (G)found;
Was (Em)blind, but (D)now I (G)see.

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